ADAB SOLUTIONS - First Islamic Crypto Exchange

ADAB Solutions is developing the FICE – First Islamic Crypto Exchange, based on the norms of Shariah. As a result, the implementation of the ADAB Solutions project will create a global infrastructure, that operates on the principles of Islamic finance, and the community that regulates the development of Islamic crypto-economics. ADAB Solutions will solve the problem of halal cryptocurrency transactions, providing access to the cryptocurrency market for the Muslim Ummah , which accounts for 22% of the world's population and manages Islamic financial assets with a projected volume of 3.8 trillion USD.

About Adab Solutions

In order to ADAB Solutions as a crypto currency project to be Halal, it is planned to implement the following measures: 

The development of the project will be based on the entrepreneurial efforts of the organizers and their work. According to the norms of Islamic ethics, it is right that the source of wealth is own labor inputs and the entrepreneurial efforts.

First Islamic Crypto Exchange will completely exclude the possibility of speculative transactions, margin trading and operations that do not correspond to Shariah. This will exclude the Gharar and Maisir and Riba from the work of the Exchange.

FICE platform able to handle 3 million requests per second, making FICE the one of the fastest crypto exchanges. Users of FICE will be guaranteed that their applications will never be suspended due to congestion of the platform.

ADAB Solutions is founded to create a platform for halal projects, to work in a full compliance with the norms of Islam and Islamic finance. Our task is to help Muslims and the community of crypto-investors to understand what in the market the cryptocurrencies is compliant with the Shariah rules and what does not.

ADAB Solutions proceeds from the fact that this project will generally benefit the market, since halal projects in their essence have utility and value, and their definition will contribute to the development of useful ideas and a decrease in the number of projects in the market, which are haram in its essence.

We solve the problems of the Muslim community, such as:

  • ADAB Solutions will solve the problem of halal cryptocurrency operations
  • ADAB Solutions will solve the problem of excessive risks of cryptocurrency systems
  • ADAB Solutions will solve the problem of developing Islamic cryptocurrency infrastructure
  • Absence of a crypto exchange, functioning in accordance with the norms of Shariah
  • The lack of a unified position of the Muslim community regarding the cryptocurrency
  • Uncertainty of Muslims regarding the admissibility of working with cryptocurrencies
  • From the turnover of existing crypto exchanges, zakat is not paid.

The problem of the cryptocurrency market:

  1. The extremely low involvement of Muslims in the cryptocurrency market
  2. Lack of community trust in the key tools of crypto economics
  3. Lack of a new markets and investors

The importance of the Adab Solutions project for participants and its uniqueness:

  • The Adab Solutions project has no analogues in the world. Today, there is not a single cryptocurrency platform or a crypto exchange, which would guarantee activities based on Shariah. Adab Solutions will be the first project that will allow performing cryptocurrency transactions in accordance with the principles of Islamic finance and on the basis of Shariah norms.
  • The Adab Solutions project is aimed to a huge  audience of 1.8 billion potential Muslim users of the cryptocurrency market.
  • Projectibility of the project. The Adab Solutions project is designed in accordance with the highest security standards and has unique technical features of key software solutions.
  • The Adab Solutions project forms a system of values ​​based on Shariah norms and principles of Islamic finance, which will become the basis for self-regulation of the cryptocurrency market and will increase the level of confidence in a key cryptocurrency instruments.
  • Full transparency of the Adab Solutions project. Transparency of the project and safe jurisdictions will make it possible to buy and sell cryptocurrencies for fiat money.
  • Objectives and mission of the project
  • The ADAB Solutions project is developing the FICE- First Islamic Crypto Exchange , based on the norms of Shariah.
  • The purpose of the ADAB Solutions project is the creation of a crypto -exchange platform, a stock exchange and services that comply with the norms of the Shariah and operate on the principles of Islam.
  • The mission of the ADAB Solutions project is to create conditions and services based on the high moral and cultural values ​​of Islam and provide access to all users of crypto economics.
  • The key task of ADAB Solutions is to create a structure that will establish new ethical standards for doing business in the industry.
  • ADAB - standards of behavior prescribed by the norms of the Shariah, including good manners, standards of decency, courtesy, humanity.
  • The name of ADAB Solutions is a big responsibility for the creators of the project.
  • ADAB is a way of life in Islam, which the founders of the project consider not only natural in everyday life, but an obligatory foundation of business relations.

For the Muslim world, spiritual ethics are paramount. Each of their actions must be scriptural. Rules for interpreting the Scriptures interprets the Sharia. To do something on my own, without permission from the Shariah it is a great sin. Since the crypto market is a fairly new phenomenon and the Sharia has not yet made up the rules, then Muslim believers can not operate the crypto currency. For example, buy tokens to participate in the ICO, to use the services on the Blockchain. For some people it may sound wild, but this problem really exists. It is worth Recalling that the earth is home to about 1.8 billion Muslims. While others argue about the rights of believers, the ADAB project creates a solution. This is a crypto exchange that will take place according to Sharia rules. Our review about the ADAB ICO project.


One quarter of the inhabitants of the planet earth are Muslims. They are characterized by faith and a desire to follow the rules of Scripture. Before using new technologies, it is necessary to obtain Sharia permission. Everything new must pass through the filter of Scripture and Sharia. 

With the advent of cryptocurrencies came the uncertainty of Muslims in this regard. For crypto exchange, Sharia rules are not defined and all Muslim believers are deprived of the opportunity to treat them. The Muslim community today does not have a clear common position on the admissibility of the use of crypto currencies. There is no systematic approach to determining what is sin and what is not. Muslims don't know if they can deal with cryptocurrencies.

Today, there is a need to create a consulting Council that will determine the admissibility of certain operations with crypto currencies. As well as a platform that will contain only those functions that correspond to Sharia.

The Islamic community living in 120 countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. In 35 of these countries, the Muslim population is the majority. These include the UAE, Egypt, Iran, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kuwait and others.


To solve the problems of distancing Muslims from the cryptocurrency market, ADAB Solutions is being created. It includes authoritative representatives of the Muslim world, who will oversee the processes of convergence of the Muslim world and the world of cryptocurrencies. 

Now the First Islamic crypto exchange is being developed and a Sharia Advisory Council is being formed. This will allow a systematic approach to the establishment of Sharia norms for the Muslim community in relation to cryptocurrencies.

MVP is ready. This exchange ADAB (, which has instituted several coins. Some people already use it.

For the world of Islam are very valuable qualities such as honor. These time-tested Moral and cultural values play a key role. This is a powerful resource for building a new market based on trust and commitment.

Special attention will be paid to the technical side of the project. The most reliable technologies will be selected to provide users with security and peace of mind.

In addition to the exchange, ADAB Solutions intends to develop other solutions. And they will also comply with the rules and norms of Sharia. For example, a platform for Halal projects.

Crypto currency platform ADAB will be able to use not only Muslims. ADAB Solutions provides an opportunity to use the platform connected with Islamic spiritual values accumulated over hundreds of years for everyone.


The ADAB Solutions team includes authoritative representatives of the Islamic world. Many of them are included in the lists of honorary Muslims. 


  • Token ADAB
  • PreICO Price 1 ADAB = 0.1 USD
  • Price 1 ADAB = 0.1 USD
  • Bonus Available
  • Bounty Available
  • MVP/Prototype Available
  • Platform Ethereum
  • Accepting ETH, BTC
  • Minimum investment 100 USD
  • Soft cap 2500000 USD
  • Hard cap 18700000 USD
  • Country United Arab Emirates
  • Whitelist/KYC KYC & Whitelist
  • Restricted areas USA

The distribution of ADAB tokens is as follows:


ADAB Solutions is a very important project. For those who have nothing to do with Islam, it is difficult to feel it. ADAB Solutions can become one of the best platforms, because the system is initially laid such qualities that usually correspond to everything that is durable and reliable. There is little doubt about the success of the ICO collection. The token sale starts in 17 days. 

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Profil link :;u=2361818
ETH : 0x9FE2d477B58493E88935d071838a190826DeC2E9


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