LabStart Investment Platform for Innovation Projects

Everything that is connected with science and business we are accustomed to call the word venture. This is not always correct, but today this concept is appropriate, because we are beginning to review the platform that will connect the inventor, investor and entrepreneur in one ecosystem, giving the opportunity to work more efficiently and without intermediaries.

We are talking about a project called LabStart, a decentralized platform that, thanks to the blockbuster and smart contracts , can make investing in research projects simpler and less risky without resorting to the services of intermediaries and state institutions.

In this part, we will try to explain why this start-up is necessary for modern business and why decentralized technologies make it unique.

Science is moving forward

Do not you think that in the last ten years the world has changed even more than the previous ten? We got electric cars, of which only heard on Discovery, smartphones with a touch screen, which can more than personal computers several years ago and even got rid of photo and video cameras, since our phones took this functionality too. 

All due to the fact that science does not stand still and every day someone registers a new patent, with their new ideas and breakthroughs in the traditional perception of the world. But people who create the future - inventors, surrounded by a lot of legislative and financial constraints, which hamper the development of science, and hence our society.

Nevertheless, the number of registered patents is growing every day. Countries that could not compete even at a minimum level with the developed world are now included in the list of the richest in terms of GDP per capita (for example, Singapore).

Now imagine that the same potential will develop without any restrictions, among them mediation, dumping of the value of inventive labor and, as a consequence, a decrease in motivation for work among people who understand the patterns of the world and are able to use them for the purposes of humanity.

All this can provide LabStart with a reasonable architecture of interaction on the platform, and, of course, blocking.

To help inventors - block and LabStart

Surely, you know that already there are sites where it is fashionable how to raise funds, and to sacrifice for invention and development. One of them and the most popular is Kickstarter, thanks to which the world saw many useful inventions (for example, graphene headphones or drum sticks for virtual drums - it's cool). 

You can not detract from the merits of Kickstarter - at one time it was necessary. But today we see that it has several drawbacks that are not peculiar to LabStart:

  • Productive investments. When you invest in Kickstarter, you do not get anything from it for yourself. This means that your investment is more a victim or a gift. For yourself, you too will receive something like a gift from the inventor, nothing more.
  • Targeted use of funds. At Kickstarter, there is almost no control over the use of investments, and the inventors themselves are not obliged to legally produce anything. Everything is based on the integrity of the parties, but this play can also be removed with the help of smart contracts and blocking.

And if it seems to you that such an order of things is a sacrifice towards the inventors, then this is not true. After all, if the inverter is not interested in investing money, looking at the liberal order at Kickstarter, the financing is sluggish, without enthusiasm. Unless the project is very much like a group of philanthropists. 

Within the law

From a legal point of view, the LabStart platform operates on the basis of understanding patent law. Therefore, already now, even before the beginning of the ICO, a periodic department was created by the team of creators. The main issue that they will solve is how, to distribute the right to an invention among a whole team of people - the inventor and investors, which will become the life-giving force that makes science develop. 

Now - this is one of the dilemmas of the law that the world's leading lawyers try to solve and it seems that the blockboy is able to help. The fact is that in a distributed registry it is quite possible to determine exactly who is the bearer of the law and to be sure that this information will be changed or lost.

This concludes the first part of the review. Ahead of us is only a more detailed consideration, thanks to which you will become even more confident in your thoughts about how progressive the LabStart platform is .


Profil link :;u=1785483
ETH: 0x0A39Baaa338F9F1f5f5b4e52f82095d0dD7c94D8
